meditaion at sitting postion

What is Sound Healing and How it Works

Our busy lifestyle and crazy schedule have proven to cause stress and fatigue in our minds and body. Thus the rise of many different mind and body healing techniques like yoga and guided meditations to help us destress and relax. Sound healing is one meditative and healing practice that is getting more and more following. But what is sound healing? What does it do to your mind and body? And how can sound healing improve your health?

Sound healing is a practice that provides healing through sounds and its a powerful way to improve wellness and reduce stress. Sound from instruments like gongs, tuning forks and singing bowls create sound healing vibration that make our mind and body feel relaxed. Sound healing therapy can also help in our overall health. They help in improving blood circulation, lower blood pressure, aid in metabolism and stabilize the heart rate. 

What are sound healing techniques?

Sound healing techniques use instruments like tuning forks, crystal sound bowls, chimes, sound therapy bowls to alleviate mental, emotional and physical stress. Sound healing treatment uses music and sounds that affect a person’s brain waves. The sound healing vibrations stabilize and relax the brain. Once the brains relax, physical relaxation will follow. Some techniques allow a person to enter a state of trance or deep concentration. This will allow a person to release stress and be in a calm state. They also align the energy centers or the chakras of our body.

How do you heal through sounds?

Can sound heal the body? Is sound healing effective? You may be in doubt and asking these questions. Sound can improve the mental, emotional and physical state of a person. There are many different ways to heal through sound. It can be done using the vibration from a tuning fork or putting a person in trance thru chanting or thru soundwaves produced by a singing bowl.

Tuning fork for healing

Sound therapy tuning forks is one instrument used for health and healing. It is a sound healing method that uses vibration to relax the part of the body that needs healing. Sound healing with tuning fork involves placing a vibrating tuning fork that can be placed over the affected body part. The vibration will run to the bones and tissues of the surrounding area. Tuning forks for sound healing is one of the most common instruments used for sound healing.

Sound healing frequency

This sound healing method uses different frequencies to alter the brainwaves and promote healing of the mind and body. There are different healing vibrational frequencies that help in the treatment of different mental issues like anxiety and depression, insomnia and disorder in the nervous system. What frequency helps heal the body? Can you be healed by sound frequency? The answer is yes.

Here are the Solfeggio healing frequencies that can heal your mind and body.

  • 40 Hertz – A 40 hz healing sound is used to stimulate neural response and slows down the signs of dementia. 
  • 174 Hertz – 174hz from the Solfeggio frequency helps in the reduction of pain and stress. It is an alternative form of healing that has a positive effect on the health of humans.
  • 285 Hertz – This healing frequency is for the regeneration of cells that promote healing from burns, cuts and other physical wounds.
  • 396 Hertz – This Solfeggio frequency targets negative emotions and promotes healing. Use this frequency to remove fear and guilt.
  • 417 Hertz – 417 hz healing sound helps in removing energy and activates sacral chakra. For people who want to move on from past traumas or negative environments, this frequency is for you.
  • 432 Hertz – For better mental and emotional clarity, 432 Hz is your healing frequency. 
  • 440 Hertz – This frequency aids in the listener’s cognitive development. This is considered cerebral music that puts the brain in a relaxed state. 
  • 528 Hertz – One of the more popular Solfeggio frequencies, this love frequency has been used to bring transformation and blessing to your life. This also increases positive energy and helps in improving self-confidence.
  • 639 Hertz – The 639 hz healing sound is for interpersonal relationships and positive feelings. This frequency encourages clearer communication and situational awareness.
  • 852 Hertz – If your mind is clouded with negative thoughts and you are an over-thinker, this frequency will help you alleviate your negative thoughts. 
  • 963 Hertz – The “frequency of the gods” or the “pure miracle tone”. This frequency is associated with higher spiritual development and connection to humanity.

Crystal sound bowl

Crystal singing bowls are sound healing instruments made from a mixture of quartz and sand. Every crystal sound bowl produces a different sound frequency that resonates with a particular chakra. They can produce healing and calming sounds that relax the mind and body. A sound healer can play various crystal sound bowl sizes at the same time to produce a harmonious healing sound.

Music healing

Listening to classical music has a healing and relaxing effect on the human mind that can also heal the body. Solfeggio frequencies healing method can help people with depression, anxiety and mental health issues. Solfeggio healing thru classical music is an effective method of music frequency healing especially for those suffering from insomnia or sleep deprivation.

Sound therapy bowl

Tibetan bowls or sound therapy bowls are sound healing instruments shaped that produce vibrations by swirling their perimeter using a wooden mallet. These tuning bowls are usually made from metal or crystals. Meditation with Tibetan singing bowls has been practiced since the ancient times in the east. The vibration produced by this sound healing method can restore the balance between the mind, body and spirit. Tibetan singing bowl therapy can also shift the energy and align our chakras.

Sound healing instruments

There are many sound healing tools that can help in the betterment of a person’s emotional, mental and physical being. Sound therapy healing instruments include tuning forks, crystal sound bowls, sound therapy bowls and sound healing chimes are used to promote a balance of the mind, body and spirit.

What are sound healing benefits?

  1. Sound healing therapy helps in creating a balance between the mind, body and spirit. Sound healing methods like chanting and humming puts a person in a state of trance that helps in the balancing of the mind and spirit. Classical music has a relaxing effect on the human mind that then flows through the human body. 
  2. Deep relaxation – Sounds are used to induce deep relaxation that calms both the body and the mind. Sound waves produce vibrations that affect the brainwaves. It creates a slow rhythm that slows and relaxes the mind and the body inducing deep relaxation.
  3. Improves the flow of energy – Sound healing improves the flow of blood that balances the flow of energy in the body. When your chakras are aligned, your overall well-being will improve.  
  4. Clears the mind – Sound frequencies balance the mind making the brain function clearly. Clarity of the mind is important to break the negative energy in the body promoting a healthier and happier life.
  5. It improves the overall health of a person – When a person is stress-free and calm, it will translate into how he responds to other people. His calmness and clarity of the mind can lead to a better relationship with his family members and friends. A stress-free and calm mind also means less physical and mental issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 528 Hz do to the human body?

A 528 hertz in the Solfeggio frequency is known as the love frequency. This is a popular frequency for those who want to attract blessings and positive energy. This frequency helps in improving self-confidence and brings more balance and harmony into your life.

Why is 432Hz healing?

This frequency brings a clearer mental and emotional state to a person. It heightens the perception and creates situational awareness. This healing frequency is also known to reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Can you be healed by sound frequency?

Sound frequencies are commonly used nowadays to alleviate a person from mental, emotional and physical stress. There are many ways to heal thru sound frequencies depending on your needs. Sound therapy is a healing option that is non-invasive and can improve the overall well-being of a person.

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