life path numbers

What is your life path number?

Have you ever thought of numbers that are relevant to your life path and destiny? Have you seen once or many times numbers that make you realize, why you keep on encountering the same numbers from time to time? Or maybe you just have no idea what those numbers represent in your life.

First and foremost, you need to know what numerology is. The meaning and history behind all those numbers in your life will be uncovered through numbers. It works in the deep calculations that have facts about your life. 

Meaning Of Numerology

This is obvious that “numerology” is the study of life numbers. Using numerology you can discover a lot about the world and the interesting reality of a person. Many consider numerology as a language of numbers.

If you know about Astrology, then it will be easy for you to understand numerology. Since these two are a bit similar. It is just that they are using different ways and methods to get insights into your life. Your life numbers using numerology can help you understand each individual person who is present in the universe.

History Of Numerology

The past of numerology is somehow mysterious. Just like the same with Babylon and Egypt they are said to be the first ever record of numerology in the world. There is also evidence that numerology exists in Japan, China, Greece, and Rome.

The most know numerology is the work of the greatest philosopher named Pythagoras. He has theories that prove numbers to different forms of levels. This is one of the reasons why he was considered the father of modern numerology nowadays.

The man who named the word numerology was Dr. Julian Stenton. He recognized numerology as the modern number and become quite popular today in our society.

How Numerology Works

You should be a master numerologist to be able to get accurate results and readings of numbers. Number reading is complicated and requires expertise to get the right answer. Your expression, soul rage, and personality are basic to calculate and numbers should be interpreted correctly.

Your birth date, your name, and some factors that may affect your individuality can affect your life numbers. These features have a big impact on your personality and can give insights directly into you as a person.

There is no such thing as coincidence in this world. Everything that happens in your life has meaning and it was destined already. From the time you were born in this world, it was already written. 

Some Interesting Facts About Numerology

So if you noticed numbers in your life or you don’t even bother about those numbers but you just don’t know how much it brings meaning to your destiny. The following are some of the interesting facts about numerology.

  • Numbers Guide To Your Life Path.
    • It is said that numerology gives insights into a person’s personality or ability. There are famous people nowadays that make their careers depend on numerology. Numerology will give you an idea of what are your hindrances and will help you direct properly to give you a big potential in success.
  • Weakness And Purpose Reveals.
    • In numerology, you can discover your true strengths and weaknesses in life. In this regard, you can motivate or encourage yourself to do more and be successful in everything you do. Furthermore, this could also help you improve to become better and move forward.
  • Birth Numbers.
    • One of the most interesting aspects of numerology is during your birthday. From the time you were born whether you like your date of the year and name has all meaning itself. You should be proud of who you are, what your name is, and whatever date your birthday falls. In numerology, you will find out the amazing things behind those numbers and letters in your name.


Numerology has been used and practiced for many years. Numerologist has proved many life numbers that affect the path of a person. To some people, numerology is one of the most important things they consider when it comes to their career, destiny, and feelings.

But to others, numerology is not a good practice. They consider it a false practice for those who have a different faith.

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