kids sleep meditation

Sleep Meditation For Kids

Sleeping time can be difficult for some kids. The anxiety of being alone in their room or just not wanting to let go of mommy’s hug. Children have a need to feel secure and safe, even as they sleep. One way to keep your children from anxiety is through bedtime meditation. Sleep meditation for kids can bring calmness and comfort to your kids. It can also be a good bonding experience that you can share as a family.

Here are some tips on how to start bedtime meditation for children.

How do you start meditation for kids?

Kids doing meditation

Start bedtime meditation for kids at an early age to train their minds and make it part of their routine. Here are some tips to start your children’s sleep meditation. 

  1. Let your child decide their bedtime setting and see what is comfortable for them. Cory Cochiolo, a meditation teacher, recommends letting your kids choose their sleeping companions like their plushies and toys, their pillows, and the color of bedsheets and pillowcases. You can even let them choose which bedtime story they want to read.
  2. Have a story-based guided meditation with your kids. Children love hearing and making up stories. Bedtime stories can be book reading or even make-up stories. Apart from making your kid focus on the story, makeup storytelling also connects you and your kid. This will lead to trust and a feeling of safety so your child will lose the feeling of anxiety.
  3. Be consistent with your aim. There will be nights that children sleep, meditation will not be easy. There will be nights when your child will be moody and anxious. But be persistent with your meditation. One thing that can help is by playing music in the background so that your child will be familiar with the music. This will give your child a feeling of safety and familiarity.
  4. Take turns in giving compliments. When you give your children compliments, they feel a sense of pride. They also feel appreciated and understood. When they feel appreciated, they feel confident and lessen the anxiety that they feel. This can allow them to have a blissful relaxation. Kids will then be able to have better sleep. Teach your children to say compliments in return and receive them with joy. When kids feel that their opinions matter, they feel important and accepted.

The basics for meditation for kids at any age

Do not make meditation for children difficult and complicated. A simple breathing exercise of storytelling can make children enjoy this practice. Basic activities like breathing and reading can give a blissful relaxation to kids. As you go along your routine, you can slowly increase the length of your reading or listening exercise to increase their time to focus.

What are the benefits of meditation for kids?

Sleep meditation can benefit children mentally and emotionally. Here are some of the benefits of sleep meditation for kids:

  1. Better sleep
  2. Lessen anxiety
  3. Develop a longer attention span and better focus
  4. Develop creativity
  5. Develop confidence and a sense of self
  6. Better management of mood
  7. Overall well-being

Apart from children, parents also benefit from bedtime meditation. When kids have a better sleep, they behave better and their mood is better when they wake up. This makes it less complicated for parents to handle their children.

How to teach kids to meditate?

Children aged 3 or 6 can start doing this practice. Teaching them while they are still young can have a profound effect on their behavior and habit. Making sleep meditation a part of your kid’s routine will greatly affect their mental and emotional health as they grow up. Sleep meditation for kids can be a little tricky in the beginning but with patience and practice, you can make it work. Here are some tips on how to meditate for sleep:

  1. Find a quiet place and a comfortable position for meditation. You can ask them to lie down in bed or sit on the floor. 
  2. Keep them away from distractions. Remove toys and gadgets that can distract them from your activity. 
  3. Start with a simple breathing exercise. Breathing is very basic and your children can easily do this exercise. Ask them to focus on their breathing for a minute and start increasing the time as they learn to focus.
  4. Teach them to connect with their body. You can tell them to sway or move their arms as they inhale and exhale to give them the awareness of their body.
  5. Do not forget to explain to your kids the importance of the exercise. Tell your kids what it can do to their health and overall well-being. 

Guided meditation for kids

You can also try guided meditation for kids. This can be very helpful, especially for parents who don’t know where and how to begin. There are many apps online for sleep meditations. There are also virtual guided meditations for kids. You can check New Horizon Holistic Center on Spotify and listen to kids’ meditation stories with your child. There are countless stories as if you are looking at a shopping guide menu for children’s storytime. And you will be surprised how these kids’ stories can also have a calming adult on an adult like you.

What is the best time to teach kids to meditate?

You can start teaching your children to meditate at an early age. A child aged 3 or 4 can already understand and follow simple breathing exercises that can help them with their meditations. Bedtime meditation need not be complicated. A simple breathing exercise can train your child to focus and calm their minds. When you teach elementary-age kids to meditate, it will benefit them and their behavior as they grow up.

Can I get my child to relax with meditation?

Children seem to have a never-ending supply of energy in their bodies. That even during bedtime, they cannot stay still in bed. Parents sometimes have a hard time sending their toddlers to sleep. Try doing bedtime meditations to help them release their energy and help them fall asleep. Meditation will help your child relax and prepare them for a sound sleep. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can kids meditate at an early age?

Yes, as early as 3 years old, children can do a simple meditation. Children this age can be fidgety and can easily lose concentration. But with regular practice and perseverance, your child can learn this calming exercise.

Is sleep meditation good for children?

Yes, sleep meditation is good for children. Starting them at a young age can help them develop a calmer mind and be more focused. Like nutrition and health, learn the practice of meditation to benefit your child’s overall well-being.

Is virtual sleep meditation for kids effective?

Virtual sleep meditation for kids is a guide to help you start bedtime meditation for your kid. Apps and programs on Spotify are helpful tools for guided meditation with your kids.

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