women holding crystals during meditation

Crystals For Meditation

We often see crystals lying around the house as decoration. Or in pieces of jewelry like rings and pendants. Pretty as they are, they serve a better and deeper purpose. A lot of people rely on crystals to help with their mental, emotional and physical healing. They also see a crystal as an object that gives positive energy. Other people also use crystals to meditate and help them calm and channel inner balance. In this blog, we will learn more about crystals and what are the benefits of meditation with crystals.

Choosing your crystals for meditation

There are many different crystals that can be used for meditation, and it is important to choose the ones that are right for you. Some people like to use a single crystal, while others prefer a small handful. It is also possible to create a crystal grid, using multiple crystals in a specific pattern.

When choosing your crystals, it is important to consider what you want to achieve with your meditation. Some crystals are known for their ability to promote relaxation, while others can help to increase focus and concentration. You may also want to choose crystals based on their energy properties, such as those that are known for their grounding or cleansing qualities.

It is also important to listen to your intuition when selecting crystals. Trust your gut feeling about which ones you are drawn to, and allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. With a little trial and error, you will soon find the perfect crystals for your meditation practice.

The general rule is that you choose the crystal that attracts you and resonates with your energy. There is also no restriction on the type and number of crystals that you want to use when you meditate with crystals. Here is a list to give you a guide on the meaning of these crystals:

Amethyst crystal meditation

Amethyst crystals are often used in meditation practices due to their calming and relaxing properties. When holding an amethyst crystal during meditation, it is said to help quiet the mind and ease anxiety. Amethyst is also known as the “stone of sobriety” because it is believed to help those struggling with addiction by providing clarity and a sense of peace.

Amethyst crystal

Garnet meditation stone

Garnet crystals are said to be helpful in meditation, as they can promote a feeling of tranquility and peace. When holding a garnet during meditation, it is said to help one connect with the Earth’s energy, which can ground and center the individual. Additionally, the garnet is said to be helpful in clearing away negative energy, promoting a sense of well-being and positive thinking.

garnet meditation stone

Quartz crystal for meditation

Quartz crystal is said to be one of the most powerful stones for meditation, specifically, clear quartz is the master crystal. It is said to enhance concentration and focus, and to amplify the energies of other stones.

Quartz crystal for meditation

Black Tourmaline crystal

Black tourmaline is a powerful crystal that can be used for protection and cleansing. It helps to deflect negative energy and can be used to cleanse the auric field. Tourmaline is also known for its ability to ground and balance the energies of the body.

Black Tourmaline crystal

Selenite Crystals

Selenite crystals are excellent for meditation as they help to still the mind and promote a deep state of relaxation. They also have a powerful cleansing and purifying effect on the aura, making them ideal for use in spiritual healing and cleansing rituals. When placed on the chakras, Selenite can help to clear blockages and restore balance. It is also a useful stone for accessing higher states of consciousness and for connecting with Spirit guides and higher beings.

selenite crystals

Citrine crystal

Citrine crystal is known as the “success stone” because it is believed to promote success, abundance, prosperity, and good fortune. It is also thought to be a powerful stone for manifestation, helping you to manifest your desires and goals. Citrine is also a great stone for meditation, as it helps to clear the mind and promote concentration and focus.

citrine crystal

Sodalite crystal

Sodalite crystal is known as the “wisdom stone” because it can help to enhance communication and promote mental clarity. It is also said to be helpful for meditation and accessing intuition.

Sodalite crystal

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is an indigo and gold gemstone, a semi-precious stone that has been used for centuries to promote deep inner wisdom and peace. This beautiful blue crystal is said to be highly effective for meditation, as it helps to still the mind and connect with the higher self. Lapis lazuli is also known for its ability to open the third eye chakra, which is said to enhance psychic abilities and spiritual insight. If you are looking for a crystal to help you deepen your meditation practice, lapis lazuli is an excellent choice.

lapis lazuli

Tiger’s eye crystal

Tiger’s eye crystal is a great stone for those who wish to improve their meditation practice. The crystal aids in concentration and focus, while also promoting a sense of peace and calm. It is believed that the stone can help to bring about spiritual enlightenment and understanding. Tiger’s eye is also said to be helpful in balancing the chakras and clearing away negative energy.

tiger's eye crystals

Rose quartz

Rose quartz is a type of quartz that is often used in meditation. It is believed to have calming and soothing properties and is said to be helpful in clearing the mind and promoting relaxation. Rose quartz crystals are often used as a focus for meditation and are thought to be helpful in opening the heart chakra and promoting self-love.

Blue lace crystal

The blue lace crystal is a beautiful stone that can be used for meditation. It has a calming energy that can help to still the mind and bring about a sense of peace. When meditating with this crystal, it is important to focus on your breath and allow yourself to drift into a state of relaxation. The blue lace crystal can help to open up the chakras and promote communication with the higher self.

Know your crystals

Crystal healers believe that crystals are alive and that they can communicate with crystals. There are many ways to know your crystals and to connect with them. Place your crystals beside you as you sleep to feel their energy. You can also carry them in your bag or in your pocket to know and build a connection with them. If you have specific issues or if you do not know where to start, you can check the guide that we listed.

How to meditate using crystals

meditate using crystals

To meditate using crystals, first select the crystal you would like to use. Once you have selected your crystal, hold it in your hand and close your eyes. Focus on your breath and on the crystal in your hand. Visualize the energy of the crystal entering your body and relaxing your mind and body. Continue to focus on your breath and the crystal until you feel relaxed and at peace.

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit and do your meditation.
  2. Play soft music to activate the crystal energy. You can also sing or chant while doing this.
  3. Place the crystal on your right hand. You can also hold a crystal in both of your hands.
  4. If you want to incorporate your body into the crystal meditation, you can lie down and place a crystal on top of the body part that needs energy. Or on the chakra point to activate the flow of energy in your body.
  5. “Listen” to your crystals. As we said earlier, crystals can communicate with you. Take this quiet time and use your intuition to communicate with your crystal.
  6. Take your time when doing your meditation session and after your meditation. After your meditation, take time to reflect on the experience and feel how the crystal meditation helped you. 

Crystal grid meditation

Crystal grid meditation is a way of meditation wherein you create a sacred space to promote healing. Crystals are arranged on a certain pattern and grid. Crystal grids should be arranged with an intention in mind. A “master stone” is placed in the center with other crystals surrounding it. This “master stone” gathers all the energy of the crystal surrounding it to create an energy vortex. To transmit the energy to your body, you can hold the master stone in your hand. Crystal grid meditation is a good way to channel the energy of multiple stones to your body. 

Other ways to use crystals

Even if you are not using crystals during meditations, you can still benefit from it.

When you are feeling discouraged or when you need confidence, hold on to a Tiger’s eye crystal to channel courage. There will also be times when you feel like you are losing passion for your craft. You can place a garnet on your work desk to channel passion and attracts success. 

Adding these crystals to your everyday wear is another way to benefit from these gemstones. Not only are these pretty stones, but they are also helpful to your mental and emotional well-being. You can buy accessories and jewelry that have crystals on them. Like necklaces and bracelets. One common example is pixui bracelets. Pixui is a mythical Chinese creature that symbolizes wealth and prosperity. A gold pixui is often combined with stones like garnet and citrine and made into a bracelet or ring.

Other people incorporate crystals in the interior design of their homes and workplaces. You can find celebrities with big pieces of crystals in their living room. There are also pieces and chunks of crystals that you can buy and put on your work desk. 

How to cleanse your crystal

When we say cleansing the crystal, it does not mean removing dust or dirt on your crystals. Cleansing the crystal means removing the negative energy that the crystal has absorbed and recharging it. And it cannot be done by running water or soap. Here are some ways to cleanse your crystal.

sage smoke to cleanse crystal
  1. On a full moon, place your crystal on the window sill. The full moon will cleanse the crystal and recharge it with new energy.
  2. Place your crystal outside on a rainy day. The rain will cleanse the negative energy of the crystal and allow it to flow to the ground.
  3. Use a candle to cleanse the crystal with fire.
  4. Use a crystal tower to cleanse the crystal. Crystal towers like selenite can help to clear the energy of other crystals.

When to cleanse your crystals

You can cleanse your crystal on a regular basis, say once a month just to be sure that they are ready when you need positive energy. If you are going through a major change in your life or a difficult time in your life, you might need to cleanse your crystals more often. When you are experiencing a tough chapter in life, your crystals are absorbing more negative energy from you.

Why meditate with crystals?

The use of crystals in meditation is gaining popularity in western countries, but it has been present since ancient times. In Chinese medicine, it is believed that crystals contain life energy or “qi”. And in Buddhism, crystals help in transmitting different kinds of energy. With these beliefs, it is not surprising that people nowadays are incorporating crystals in their meditation and in their everyday life.

How does the power of crystals work?

Crystals work by transmitting energy and creating a connection with them. It might seem weird but a lot of crystal owners believe that crystals “speak” to them. There is no scientific claim of the inner workings of crystals inside our body but many practitioners have attested to the emotional and spiritual benefits of these fancy stones.

Healing with crystals

There is a growing trend of using crystals for healing. Some people believe that crystals can help to balance the body’s energy, and that they can be used to treat physical and mental health conditions.

There is no scientific evidence to support these claims, but many people report feeling better after using crystals. If you’re interested in trying crystal healing, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable practitioner.


Crystal is not for everyone. Some say that the effect of crystals is placebo effect and that they are only psychological. But it is undeniable that there is a huge population that believes in the power of crystals with their healing properties. It helps them connect to their inner self and intuition. One thing is sure when it comes to crystals. Crystals give us a deeper appreciation of the earth and its natural beauty.  

Crystals can be a very effective way to connect with your higher self and achieve inner peace. It is important to choose the right crystal for your intention and to cleanse and charge your crystals before use.

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