seven chakras for beginners

The 7 Chakras For Beginners

Human’s 7 chakras are the main energy centers of the body. Energy can run through these seven chakras freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit. 

Chakra meaning in sanskrit is “wheel”  and think charkas as a wheels of free-flowing positive energy.

Chakra balancing is the answer to people with very low energy and is out of balance in their emotions. What comes with chakra test are the healing techniques and balancing of one’s overall wellbeing. The 7 chakras or energy vortexes that run through our bodies should stay balanced to maintain our emotional, mental and physical state in order.

Aligning and balancing the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra depends only on how open and closed this can be. 

Let’s understand first the 7 chakras and their functions to explore deeply the effective test technique in allowing energy to flow uninterruptedly in our bodies. 

History of chakras

Traditionally, chakra is associated with the rainbow color and originally first mentioned by the Upanishads around 7-800 BCE. In the book of Anodea Judith ” The Wheels of Life”, chakras system was traditionally an Eastern philosophy passed down orally by the Indo-European people called the Aryan.

It is defined as a wheel of energy and a spinning  disk on the human body that run along the spine. Others say, there are as many as 114 chakras all over the body although there are only seven ”main” chakras along the spine.  The emotional wellness of a person is directly connected to each chakras health. Since the beginning, chakra and yoga system has already interlaced within the Tantric tradition.

Seven chakras

Root chakra

This chakra is the foundation of the human body at the base of our spine in the tailbone. It is connected with earth element depicting a four-petaled lotus. It is considered to govern the urges of sex, food, sleep and self-preservation. Inner stability and sense of roundedness are the balance results of this 1st energetic function. 

A blocked root chakra causes physical problems like cold extremities, lower back sore and very low energy levels. Emotional and behavioral issues arise like anxiety and panic. To some people this can manifest as paranoia and hypochondria.

Sacral chakra

The physical location of sacral chakra is roughly two inches lower below the belly button, in the middle of the abdomen. It is connected with water element and color orange. This is the key to a person’s creative capacities like artistry and imaginations. It relates to the pursuit of change in every area of life.

Your sacral chakra can be closed if unsatisfied or struggling with sexual aspect or even the pleasures in life as a whole. Behavioral problems of a blocked sacral chakra includes low sexual drive, much uninspired and feeling of boredom. Physical issues associated of a closed sacral chakra include allergies, urinary discomforts and addiction to any kind like shopping, eating, gambling and alcoholism.

Heart chakra

Obviously, the heart chakra is right next to your physical heart located in the center of your chest. This helps govern your capacity to love and be loved, even compassion and unity with the people around you.

Problems with heart chakra arises when there’s a feeling of bitterness, unworthiness of love and negative feelings to those who have hurt and wronged you in the past. 

Balanced heart chakra can result in peace, love and compassion. However, overreacting of this 4rth chakra leads you to much jealousy, self-sacrifice, dependency and being needy. Physical issues like high blood pressure, back problem and lung circulation can manifest if this chakra is blocked.

Throat chakra

This throat chakra is most associated with speech and is obviously located in the throat area of your body. It oversees the communication skills and truthful expression ability of a person. 

Throat chakra issues arise if you are unable to speak things honestly. A blocked throat chakra results in being overly secretive, not a good listener and had been constantly misunderstood by others. 

Over energized throat chakra leads to harsh speaking, gossiping, yelling, talking a lot, very opinionated and too critical with others. Physical symptoms like sore throat, coughing, hearing problem, frequent flu and poor immune system can manifest if this chakra is closed.

Eye chakra

This classical eye chakra is right in the center of your forehead and is called the mind’s eye.  This 6th chakra is associated with intuition that opens up your ability to perceive hidden things and information. People claim to get images in their minds eye and seeing them beyond physical ability. 

If this 6th chakra is balanced it can result into very active imagination, clear thought, sharp mind and high intuition.   Underactive eye chakra lacks focus, slow memory, poor judgment and inability to see what’s beyond the physical self. 

Over energized third eye chakra leads to delusions, hallucinations, nightmares, thought obsession and visibility of many spirits. 

Physical issues like headache, eyestrain, sleeping disorder and lack of concentration can manifest if this chakra is blocked.

Crown chakra

The very last in-body and most spiritual of all the 7 chakras is located right at the top of your head. This connects to your higher self and consciousness of every source. 

This chakra is responsible for meditation, exploring the cosmos, and soul departure from the body at the time of death.

Unlike the third eye chakra that concerns seeing, this crown chakra is related to insight, knowingness and understanding the way things happen.

A balanced crown chakra results in higher intelligence, high level awareness and easily assimilate information.

Blocked crown chakra symptoms are confusing, spiritual disconnection, anger at the universe, lack of faith, depression and difficulty in learning.

Over energized symptoms on this 7th chakra includes being judgmental, spiritually addicted, dogmatic and all- karma belief versus our own action.

Physical issues manifest such as headache, migraines, dizziness, and nerve pain, neurological and cognitive problems.