chakras color and meanings

An Ultimate Guide To Chakras Color And Meaning

Chakras are energy vortexes circulating across the seven different points of the human spinal column. These seven chakras are circular or flower petals in shape and are connected to the different organs and glands of the human body. It is through these chakras that life’s energy is uniformly distributed to create an individual’s ecosystem.  

When blockage in any of the chakras happens, the person can suffer emotional and physical problems.  This disruption of energy can lead to the ecosystem’s deficiency that might bring chaos in the different life areas. 

As we know, the human body is made up of the seven chakras which are located at different places in the body. Each chakra has the unique power to channel different vibrations. It is said that the chakras can influence our state of mind and our consciousness.

Specific colors are associated with each of the seven chakras.   Each color had different meanings and impacts on the life of an individual. Let’s understand different chakra colors and its relation to the physical and spiritual wellness of a person

energy chakras and colors

The seven chakras are the main centers of energy in our body and they are located in the following places:

1. Root Chakra

2. Sacral Chakra

3. Solar Plexus

4. Heart Chakra

5. Throat Chakra

6. Third Eye Chakra

7. Crown Chakra

What is the connection between chakra colors and their meanings?

When it comes to seven chakra colors and meanings, it’s important to emphasize the fact that each chakra has its own unique color, and each color is associated with a different frequency. This is an important distinction to make because it can help you to better understand how your chakra system work, and how each one can best be balanced in order to achieve a healthy and happy life.

Here are the meanings of chakras colors

Root Chakra – Red Color

root color chakra symbol

Red is the associated color of the root chakra and it is located at the base of the spine. This chakra color gives impacts the individual’s passion, vitality, courage, and survival instincts. This red color represents our sexuality and physical strength, our need for order and logic, and even our mode of response when faced with fights or anger. In Sanskrit, it is called the Muladhara chakra.

Chakra color red is the most stimulating of all the colors and also has the densest vibration. This can be caught immediate warning and pulls our attention to a particular situation, especially danger. It signals caution and gives immediate action like stopping at a red traffic light.

This chakra of passion is linked to our sexuality and deep intimacy.  This radiates powerful and strong energy that motivates an individual to take action. In short, the color red helps in guarding a person against harm.

Impact of red chakra

  • Red color chakra energizes our spirit when we have grown stagnant.
  • It correlates with prominence in sports especially in the automotive domain as it is often impressed in the showcased display.
  • It asserts dominance and leaders are fond of wearing it because it arouses dominance and takes people off, guard.
  • It boosts confidence for someone who wants to be introduced to the limelight.
  • It expresses heartfelt sentiments when it comes to matters of the heart, especially Valentine.

How do you keep your root chakra balanced?

You can practice specific poses in yoga that are thought to specifically target the Muladhara chakra, such as the mountain posture. Regular practice of this meditation can help keep this chakra healthy and well-balanced.

You can keep your root chakra well-balanced by practicing yoga and wearing red clothes or stones.

If the energy of your root chakra is in balance you will feel safe driving the car. You will fill supplied as far as material needs. Your root chakra is the source of strength in the earthy world.

Sacral chakra color – Orange

Sacral Chakra color

Orange is the color associated with the Sacral Chakra that relates to the element of water in the human body.   The sacral chakra is the second chakra and is located in the lower abdomen and womb. In Sanskrit, it is called svadhishthana which means “sweetness”.

Orange exudes reproductive function, desire, creativity, joy, even compassion, and sexuality. It is also considered a fun color that provides emotional strength. It adds positivity and encouragement to life because it promotes optimism and upliftment.

Impact of sacral chakra color

  • This appetizing color of reddish yellow invites food cravings and those on a diet shouldn’t be fooled by its appeal.
  • This unique beauty of orange can somehow change the ambiance of the fall season, as it adds charm to its greenery scenery.
  • Clinging to the orange color encourages emotional endurance since it does not provoke physical and mental responses. 
  • Known to be the cheeriest color that ignites hope, motivation, and positivity, and help to see the brighter side of life.
  • This citrusy shade encourages people to take risks and step out of their comfort zones.
  • Orange welcome assurance of open-mindedness to those who wanted social communication and those with reserved personalities.
  • This youthful shade is joyfully embraced by millennials as it promises a childlike wonder.

Solar plexus chakra – yellow color

solar plexus chakra color yellow

Chakra color yellow is the color associated with the third chakra. In Sanskrit, solar plexus is called “Manipura chakra” which means a Lustrous gem. This relates to the element of fire and energy in the human body.  

Orange stimulates mental perception making learning easy. It boosts confidence and enthusiasm as yellow inspires sensual thoughts.

Impact of solar plexus chakra color

  • It promotes the person’s logical thinking by stimulating the left side of the brain.
  • This color yellow keeps an individual grounded and in essence, pushes to remain practical.  
  • Yellow is so alluring that it illuminates pleasantness, happiness, and cheerfulness.
  • It resonates with innocence and is deeply associated with children, that’s why many of the toys are color yellow.
  • Yellow is used as an effective communicator as it captivates the audience with charm.
  • This friendly shade provides peace of mind, enables the person to make sound decisions, and rests on the simplicity of the situation.
  • Yellow is a no-no to those who are constantly nervous as it triggers uneasiness.
  • This color is not an often option for advertisers as it is difficult and unnoticeable when joined with other tone colors.

What is the purpose of yellow chakra?

The yellow chakra is the center of our physical being. It helps us focus on what we really want in life. Our will to succeed and achieve our goals is strengthened by this chakra. We need to be aware of how much energy we use and ensure that we don’t burn out. Your yellow chakra is responsible for strength, transformation, personal power, determination, courage, self-esteem, confidence, motivation, decision-making, collaboration, digestion, and metabolism.

Heart chakra – Green Color

heart chakra color green

The heart chakra is our fourth chakra which is associated with green color and relates to the element of air in the human body. Obviously, the heart organ is associated with love, calmness, kindness, and serenity. This relaxing color revitalizes the mind and the human body.

It helps us balance our emotions by giving hope, and assurance of safety provides luck and promises growth and even prosperity.

Impact of green chakra color

  • This earthy color is prominently connected with Mother Nature which offers a peaceful and gentle tone to soothe a chaotic situation.
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical professionals use this color as it connects with an individual’s optimum wellness boasting power healing.
  • This warmhearted color according to counselors defuses anger and arguments and thus maintains order in tense situations.
  • The deep green tones found in military suits represent strength and selflessness.
  • The color promotes unconditional love and wishes to adore and please friends and family expecting nothing in return.

Throat chakra – Blue Color

throat chakra color blue

Blue is the color associated with the Throat Chakra and relates to the ethereal element. Throat chakra refers to one’s true voice – the ability to speak and listen.

Throat Chakra enables someone to express themselves artistically and meditate very well if the chakra is balanced. Blue symbolizes security, trust, and responsibility. It is an honest color and has a relaxing effect that gives peace and security as well. 

Impact of blue chakra color

  • Blue is known to impact the mind positively and avoid pestering and intruding into situations.
  • The color blue has a unique reserved spirit as it does not stir up conflict.
  • It has a soothing essence that associates with the oceans.
  • Blue is a controlling type and is enjoyed by perfectionists as it goes through proper planning and orderliness.
  • Blue is a stress reliever that inspires us to live the beautiful present, bidding goodbye to past worries and fears.
  • This all-knowing blue color is a happy helper that gives you excellent insight.
  • Blue is a controller of emotions and is strongly susceptible to pain.

What is the meaning of blue chakra crystals and stones?

Blue is the predominant hue in your throat chakra. You should consider light blue or turquoise stones as you balance this chakra.

Third eye chakra – Indigo Color

third eye chakra color indigo

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra and relates to the element of electricity and telepathy. It symbolizes honor, devotion, and spiritual wisdom.

Heart chakra energy is described with the color Indigo. In general, this color can represent an individual’s thoughts and grants greater perception beyond reality. It’s the right brain color that helps the person cope with stress.

Impact of indigo color chakra

  • Indigo Lover gives deeper meaning to honor and truth.
  • This color takes pride in achieving justice and accomplishing learning with spirituality and the unseen world.
  • It causes anxiety in individuals who are addicted to work, food, and even pets.
  • Indigo children are overconfident and very inquisitive.
  • Indigo conforms excessively to tradition, so hard to let go of it.
  • Indigo’s negative impact is the inability to flourish without organization and overusing it is linked to the “queen of drama”.

Crown chakra color – Violet

crown chakra color purple

The Crown chakra color is violet and is connected with five elements. The crown chakra refers to the person’s nervous system, pituitary gland, brain, and head. Violet symbolizes spirituality, royalty, mystery, and the divulging of imagination.

A well-balanced chakra allows the individual to have a higher awareness of the life beyond and can perform miracles.

Impact of violet color chakra

  • This intimidating color obtains its leadership quality through the royal thrones of kings and queens who are so proud of it.
  • Purple inspires the innermost spiritual intuition that encourages every aspect of life to stay in harmony.
  • This color prompts the expansion of understanding and acceptance making it one of the most mature colors of the wheel.
  • Purple provides an escape from the drag and boredom of real daily life by balancing emotions and offering clarity of mind.
  • This warm essence of the color violet fosters sympathy, peace, and compassion.
  • The color purple is well-loved by musicians, poets, writers, and artists as it relishes creativity.

What spiritual connection does the purple chakra color have?

A purple aura indicates someone who is spiritually inclined. He or she is curious about discovering new things, interested in pursuing the right path, and willing to learn more about himself or herself. This person is likely to seek out answers to questions about his or her life.


Chakras are energy centers that exist along the human spinal column, with seven distinct points. These chakras resemble circular or flower petal shapes and are interconnected with various organs and glands in the body. They serve as conduits for the distribution of life’s energy, creating an individual’s internal ecosystem.

Specific colors are associated with each of the seven chakras. These colors carry distinct meanings and impacts on an individual’s physical and spiritual well-being. Understanding the relationship between chakra colors and their influence can provide insight into a person’s overall wellness.

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