body scan meditation benefits

Benefits Of Body Scan Meditation

When our body feels pain and discomfort, it is easy for us to cry out or say ouch. These are the obvious kinds of pain that we feel happen to our bodies. Like a cut or a broken bone or a tired muscle. Have you ever thought of the things that are silently going on inside your body?

These silent pains usually go unnoticed, or if we notice them we just ignore them. But should we be ignoring them? Are we not supposed to listen to what our bodies are saying? This is where body scan meditation can benefit you.

benefits of scan meditaion

Read more and learn how this type of meditation can help you improve your physical and mental health.

What is body scan meditation?

We hear so many types of meditation nowadays – zen meditation, mindfulness meditation, crystal meditation, and the list goes on. So what makes this meditation different from the rest?

You give undivided attention to your body wherein you listen and be aware of what your body is saying. It is like doing a mental x-ray of your body. More than finding out what is wrong with your body, this type of mindfulness meditation gives you full awareness of your body, without any judgment.

You may feel very relaxed and comfortable while you are doing body scan practice. But this is not the main aim of this meditation. You may feel comfortable but be sure to still focus on being in tune with your body and reconnecting with your physical self.

body scan meditaion

How to do body scan meditation tips for beginners?

If you are a beginner and starting with your body scan meditation journey, it is best to go on guided classes to help you understand the purpose of this activity. A meditation teacher will guide you to better understand your body without any judgment. Follow guided meditations available online.

If you want to try this at home, here are some tips that will help you with your meditation.

  1. Find a comfortable and quiet space to meditate. It is better if you have a bigger space where you can sit or lie down.
  2. Close your eyes and breathe. Breathe through your nose and focus as you inhale and exhale. You can start your body scan meditation by taking note of how the air enters and exits your body.
  3. Start focusing on other parts of your body, pay attention to them and feel the sensation in the body. You can start with your head or with your left arm to your right arm, scanning through the rest of your body.
  4. Scan each body part for about 20 seconds to a minute. This will allow you to be familiar with that particular body part without losing focus or getting bored.
  5. Take note of every sensation or feeling that may arise. If you are sitting while doing this meditation, your leg might feel numb. Acknowledge the numbness that you are feeling without having any judgment or negative thoughts about the situation.
  6. Continue scanning each part of your body. Take a mental note of every sensation that you feel.
  7. Slowly release your thoughts as you keep breathing. Slowly release your mind from the meditation process and go back to the present.
  8. Take note of your experience and what you felt. You can use this to compare your next session and to track your progress.

It may not be easy for beginners to quickly adapt or learn this meditation technique. Like all the other forms of mindfulness meditation, this also takes practice and consistency.

body scan in 5 steps

Benefits of a body scan meditation

Helps lessen tension in the body

You may not feel it, but there may be some parts of your body like your muscle that are tensed and strained. Doing a body scan meditation can help you identify these body pains that you don’t usually notice when you perform your everyday activities.

lessen tension

Improves quality of sleep

Having enough sleep is one of the easiest and most effective ways to have a healthy mind and body. But this is also the most overlooked. We often take for granted sleep due to our busy lifestyle, and most of the time, stress and overthinking.

Body scan meditation can help you release the stress that affects the quality of your sleep.

improves your sleep

Reduces chronic pain

Chronic pain is pain that you experience for a long period of time. Arthritis, back pain, and neck pain are the most common kind of chronic pain that we experience. It affects not only the physical but mental and emotional well-being of a person as well.

Body scan meditation will not take away the pain. But it can make you feel differently and acknowledge the pain that you are feeling. This way, you can react calmly when you feel pain and think clearly about how to handle the pain.

reduces chronic pain

Promotes self-awareness

Body scan meditation allows you to be in tune with your body. It gives you awareness of what is happening inside your body and in your mind without feeling any judgment. You become aware of your thoughts and feelings, whether good or bad, and accept them as they are.

self awareness

Improves focus

Body scan meditation is similar to mindfulness meditation in this aspect. Both meditation practice gently forces you to pay attention – body scan meditation to your body and mindfulness meditation to your surrounding. Once you improve your focus, it will slowly help you with your concentration, making you more productive.

improve focus

Helps your mind and body relax

Like all the other forms of meditation, body scan meditation helps you relax your mind and body. Although body relaxation is not the main focus of body scan meditation, it is undeniable that it can help the body and mind relax and calm down.

relax body and mind

How to incorporate body scan meditation in your life

If you’re interested in incorporating body scan meditation into your life for your mental and physical benefits, there are a few things you can do to get started.

First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Then, begin by focusing on your breath. Once you’ve settled into your breath, begin to slowly scan your body from the top of your head to toe.

Mentally scan your entire body and pay attention to any areas of tension or discomfort, and breathe into those areas.

Finally, simply allow yourself to be present with whatever sensations arise during the body scan. There is no right or wrong way to do this meditation, so simply relax and let it be.

Body scan meditation for kids

Practicing body scan meditations can also be done at an early age. Although it might be a bit of a challenge, especially for those kids who cannot sit still even for 1 minute. But with practice and patience, your child can slowly develop this habit.

One way to make your kids do body scan meditation is by making it part of your bonding activity. You can lie down side by side and meditate together. This way, your child will find a connection not only to his body but also to you.

for kids

How long does a body scan meditation take?

A body scan meditation typically takes between 10 and 20 minutes. During a body scan, you focus your attention on each part of your body in turn, from your toes to your head. You may notice sensations of tension, tingling, heaviness, or warmth in different parts of your body. The aim of a body scan is not to try to change these sensations, but simply to become aware of them.

10 20 min meditation

How effective is a body scan meditation?

A body scan meditation can be an effective way to relax, focus and calm the mind. Focusing on each part of the body in turn can help to release tension and bring a sense of peace.

It is important to find a comfortable position and to focus on the breath during the body scan. The mind may wander at first, but with practice, it can become easier to focus and stay present.

It is a form of mindfulness meditation, which means that it helps you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Is body scan meditation for you?

There are many different kinds of meditation practice that you can try until you find what is most suitable for you. There is no right or wrong when it comes to which meditation practice you choose. What is important is that you can feel the benefit of the meditation practice that you are doing.

Body scan meditation may be beneficial for those with chronic pain or for those with tension in the body. But it may not be the most suitable meditation for those who want to balance the energy flow in their body.


Body scan meditation is becoming a popular activity for a reason. What makes this different from any other meditation practice is how it makes you aware of your body, in a deeper sense. Although it is an effective way to bring awareness to what your body is feeling, there is still no substitute for a proper and regular check-up from a qualified health professional.