Are you curious about the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara? This spiritual energy center is the seventh chakra and is associated with enlightenment. It rests at the crown of your head and is pivotal in chakra healing. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the Crown Chakra, its meaning, its importance, and how to balance and heal it using affirmations, yoga poses, and meditation techniques.
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What is the Crown Chakra?

The Meaning
The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the highest of the seven main chakras and is located at the top of the head. It represents the connection to the universe and divine consciousness.
A balanced crown chakra is associated with enlightenment, inner peace, and spiritual growth, while imbalances can manifest as feelings of aimlessness or disconnection from spirituality.
The Location
It is located at the top of the head, just above the forehead. This area is often referred to as the “thousand petal lotus” due to its appearance in meditation and spiritual practices. This chakra is associated with higher consciousness, enlightenment, and connection to the divine.
The Symbolism
The symbolism of the crown chakra includes the connection between the individual and the divine consciousness. Its petals indicate the thousands of channels that lead the individual towards the realization of their true inner Self and the Supreme Self. This chakra governs inner wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It is the gateway to the higher self, where pure consciousness and ultimate freedom reside.
This Chakra is symbolized by the lotus flower with 1000 violet petals. It represents purity, and the number of petals represents purity of mind, body, and speech. Purple is the color of spirituality and is associated with divine energy.
Therefore, this chakra is considered essential to gain a higher spiritual awakening and connection to the Divine. It is believed that when it is balanced and open, one experiences a life enriched with serenity, peace, and divine consciousness.
Why is Crown Chakra Important?
Its Connection with Other Chakras
It is associated with the highest consciousness and is the gateway to connect with the divine. It allows the energy to flow from the six chakras below it and helps to balance the entire chakra system. Understanding and stabilizing the seven chakras is integral to achieving optimal harmony and vitality, including the crown chakra.
Its Role in Your Chakra System
It is responsible for maintaining your connection to universal consciousness, allowing you to experience spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of your purpose in life which is beyond the physical body.
Its Impact on Your Life
When your Crown Chakra is balanced, you feel a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection with the universe. You operate at your highest potential, and the divine energy circulation through you easily.
How to Balance Your Crown Chakra?
Sahasrara Chakra Affirmations
It is a great way to balance your Crown Chakra. They help to bring stabilization to the 7th Chakra by aligning your energy with positive thoughts. Some positive statements include :
1. I am connected to the universal consciousness.
2. I trust in my spiritual path and know that I am guided by divine wisdom.
3. I am open to divine guidance and receive divine messages with ease.
4. I am grateful for all the blessings and abundance in my life.
5. I am aware of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Crown Chakra Yoga Poses
This can be activated and stabilized through various yoga poses, such as headstands, shoulder stands, and tree poses. These poses aid in enhancing the energy circulation to the Chakra, promoting equilibrium in this particular energy center. While performing these poses, it is beneficial to concentrate on the 7th Chakra and imagine the purple lotus flower unfolding and expanding. Here is a compilation of yoga postures that can potentially stimulate this chakra:
1. Half lotus pose (Ardha Padmasana)

Ardha Padmasana is a seated yoga posture that helps to stretch the hips, improve flexibility, and promote inner calmness.
To practice this pose:
1. Begin seated on your mat with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Bend your right knee and bring your foot towards your left hip.
3. Place your left foot under your right thigh.
4. Rest your hands on your knees or in your lap.
5. Lengthen your spine and sit up tall, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
6. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for several breaths.
7. Release the pose and switch sides, bending your left knee and placing your left foot towards your right hip.
It is important to remember to avoid this pose if you have any injuries or pain in your knees or hips. You can always use props, such as a pillow or blanket, to support your hips or your knees as needed.
2. Tree pose (Vrkasana)

Tree pose, also known as Vrkasana, is a standing yoga posture that involves stabilizing on one leg while the other leg is placed against the inner thigh of the standing leg. Here are the steps to perform the tree pose:
1. Begin by standing at the top of your mat with your feet together and your arms by your sides.
2. Shift your weight onto your left foot while bending your right knee and bringing your right foot to rest on the inner thigh of your left leg. Make sure that your right foot is pressing firmly against the inner thigh, and avoid placing it on your knee.
3. Bring your hands together at your heart center and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
4. Slowly raise your arms up overhead, keeping your palms together.
5. Keep your gaze focused on a fixed point in front of you to help with balance.
6. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, then release the right foot back down to the mat and repeat on the other side.
Some tips to keep in mind while practicing tree pose include engaging your core muscles to help with balance, keeping your standing leg strong and steady, and avoiding the urge to lean forward or back. As you become more comfortable with the pose, you can also explore variations such as reaching your arms outward or placing your hands on your hips.
3. Headstand (Sirsasana)

Headstand, also known as Sirsasana, is an intermediate yoga posture that requires a strong core and upper body. It is a challenging inversion that offers a variety of physical and mental benefits, including improved circulation, enhanced focus, and reduced stress and anxiety.
To perform a headstand, start by kneeling on the ground with your forearms on the mat and your hands clasped together. Place the crown of your head on the mat, ensuring that your head is supported evenly. Straighten your legs and walk your feet towards your head, keeping your hips over your shoulders.
Slowly lift one leg off the ground and then the other, engaging your core and glutes to maintain balance and stability. Keep your legs straight and your toes pointed towards the sky, and breathe deeply through the pose.
To release the headstand, slowly lower one leg at a time back down to the ground, and return to a kneeling position. It is essential to practice a headstand under the guidance of an experienced teacher to avoid injury and take necessary precautions.
Crown Chakra Meditation Techniques
This Meditation Technique can help open and stabilize your crown chakra. Here are some techniques you can try:
1. Sitting Meditation –

Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight, close your eyes, and focus your attention on the crown of your head. As we inhale deeply, visualize a lotus flower slowly opening at the top of your head, and imagine a beam of white light entering, filling your body with pure light and energy. Repeat self-talk such as “I am open to Divine guidance” or “I trust the Universe to guide me.”
2. Mantra chanting –

Chanting the sound of “OM” or “AUM” is a powerful way to activate and stable your Sahasrara chakra. You can also use other Sanskrit mantras such as “Sahasrara Namaha” or “Aham Brahmaasmi” which are intended to awaken your connection to the divine.
3. Visualization –

Try visualizing your crown chakra as a bright spinning wheel of light, with purple or white color that starts to glow brighter and brighter as you meditate. Visualize this light expanding beyond your body, connecting you to the universe, and feel the energy of the divine flowing into you.
4. Nature walks –

Engaging in mindful walking meditation amidst nature allows for a profound connection with the divine and the universe. By taking mindful walks in parks or forests, breathing in the fresh air, and absorbing the energizing qualities of nature, you can nourish your being.
Additionally, meditating outdoors and visualizing yourself embraced by the natural world and the universe enhances this experience. Consistent practice of mindful walking meditation facilitates the activation and balance of the crown chakra, resulting in a heightened connection to the universe, heightened intuition, and a stronger alignment with your higher self.
What Happens When Crown Chakra is Blocked?
Physical Symptoms of Blockage
When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various physical symptoms. These may include:
- Headaches and migraines.
- Dizziness and lightheadedness.
- Insomnia and restless sleep.
- Sensitivity to light and sound.
- Fatigue and lack of energy.
Emotional and Mental Symptoms of Blockage
When the crown chakra becomes blocked, it can lead to various emotional and mental symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include:
- Lack of purpose or direction.
- Feeling lost or disconnected.
- Mental fog or confusion.
- Lack of spiritual connection.
- Depression or apathy.
How to Heal Your Crown Chakra?
You can heal your Crown Chakra by using essential oils such as Frankincense, Lavender, and Sandalwood. Also, spending time in nature can help to recharge your spiritual energy and restore balance. Chakra balancing or Reiki healing can also help to unblock your 7th Chakra.
How to Open Your Crown Chakra?
Bringing Balance to the Crown Chakra
The first step to opening your Seventh Chakra is to stable this energy center. Use the techniques mentioned above, such as positive self-talk, yoga poses, and meditation. This will help to remove any imbalances and increase the energy flow to the Crown Chakra.
Crown Chakra Violet Lotus Opening Technique
Visualize a violet lotus flower slowly opening at the top of your head, and feel its energy radiating throughout your body. Focus on your breath and imagine the divine energy flowing into your Sahasrara.
Using Affirmations to Unblock Your Crown Chakra
Affirmations can also help to unblock your Crown Chakra. You can use positive statements such as “I am open to the divine energy,” or “I trust my journey and the universe.” Repeat these positive statements regularly to remove any imbalances and open your Crown Chakra.
What is crown chakra balance?
Crown chakra balance refers to the process of aligning and harmonizing the energy of the Sahasrara, also known as the crown chakra, which is the seventh chakra in the chakra system.
How can I align my crown chakra?
To align your crown chakra, you can engage in activities that promote spiritual connection and growth, such as practicing gratitude, engaging in spiritual practices like yoga or meditation, and surrounding yourself with positive energy and people.
What are some resources for chakra healing?
There are various resources available for chakra healing, including books, online courses, healing crystals, guided meditations, and workshops focused on chakra balancing and healing.
In conclusion, balancing the crown chakra is essential for achieving spiritual awakening and deepening our connection to the Divine. By opening this energy center, we invite wisdom, serenity, and a profound sense of inner peace into our lives, guiding us toward the realization of our true selves and the boundless consciousness that resides within.