daily affirmations

Affirmations to build confidence and self steem

This is proven and true affirmations are a powerful tool for manifestation. They help us to build and expand our self-esteem, boost our self-confidence, and comfort us when we’re feeling down. You must believe in yourself first to make affirmations work.

Affirmations are powerful positive statements that you have to repeat every day without fail and make sure they are stated with conviction until they will eventually believe it.  

So confidence is about believing in yourself and your abilities. Confidence people aren’t born with it you have to build it. You can build confidence by improvement and repetition makes improvement. So to build and develop confidence it takes time. Always remember confidence isn’t your ability to do or say something, it’s your belief you can do it.

How do Affirmations Work?

Affirmation works because it creates a belief system within yourself. Repeating a powerful statement every day without fail builds a new system within your subconscious mind. A study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that self-affirmations can help people feel better about themselves. Repetition And belief is the key to an affirmation to work well.

It worked because of positive thoughts built with the power of words. 

We have created 20 lists of affirmations to build your confidence and self-esteem 

Build confidence and self-esteem affirmations

  1. I believe in my abilities.
  2. I am confident and value myself
  3. I grow with every challenge
  4. I have everything I need for success.
  5. I am stronger than my fears.
  6. I can face every challenge.
  7. I am in complete control of my emotions
  8. I am grateful for my journey
  9. I am consistent in my hard work
  10. My power is unlimited
  1. I show up day and do my best
  2. I am creating my dream life every day
  3. I choose to trust the process
  4. I release negative self-talk
  5. I don’t need validation from others
  6. I am good enough
  7. I am powerful enough
  8. I am growing and learning every day
  9. I believe in myself
  10. I let go of limiting belief

How to build confidence with affirmation?

You can learn to build your confidence by practicing affirmations and following a few steps, especially at the beginning of a new situation. 

1. Focus on the things that you can control, and build your confidence by learning to live in the moment.

2. You will have to act like someone who is confident and believes in themselves.

3. When you feel insecure, make yourself look confident.

It’s completely up to you if you wish to repeat one single affirmation or multiple affirmations, one after another. When you’ve found an affirmation or two that speak to you, then repeat this affirmation three times nice and slow, feeling empowered as you repeat. 

When you feel comfortable, close your eyes, letting this affirmation settle. You can also look in the mirror and repeat them confidently as well. Wherever you’re at, take a deep breath allowing each affirmation to calm each part of your body, from head to toe.

Why should we use these powerful positive affirmations to build self-confidence?

Yes, positive affirmation works even if you feel uncomfortable or cheesy while you start to do affirmation practice. It works like magic after a number of repetitions with belief and consistency .

It prepares you mentally through the subconscious mind

Changing your mind will automatically change your life. While you repeat the same affirmation every day then it becomes your ritual and it becomes your habit and programmed in your subconscious mind. 

Powerful positive affirmations help to break your limited belief system

Unknowingly we have been affected by negative affirmations since childhood, For example ‘That is so tough. It is hard. Cannot do that. We have been served and surrounded by negative emotions and statements that made us afraid and limited our belief system. Repetition powerful positive affirmation, it helps to reprogramme our subconscious mind.

It creates positive vibes in your life

Creating positivity is the goal of doing affirmation daily. Positive vibes make you happy and attract all positive energies. It makes you so positive and confident that;

  1. You won’t be discouraged when time gets tougher
  2. You won’t be afraid to face new challenges
  3. You made yourself so strong from inside 

Final thoughts on affirmation on self-esteem and confidence

As easy as they seem to be, affirmations are powerful tools. By repetition of powerful affirmation words every day You can change your belief system and your surroundings. You are able to create a new and higher self-concept just by simply repeating a few words daily or before anxious situations.

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